My Classroom Website


331 East 91st Street

New York, New York 10128



September 2011


Dear ESMS students and families,


Hello and welcome!  My name is Janet Cappadona and I am excited to be teaching introductory Spanish.  My class will be conducted mainly in Spanish and by the end of the year all students will be able to speak at a conversational level in Spanish!  Spanish is a lot of fun, and I expect all students to put in maximum effort to succeed.


Attached you’ll find classroom procedures including a supply list, homework policy, grading policy, course overview, and other useful information.  It may seem overwhelming but it includes almost everything you’ll need to know about my class.  Please read through the information packet carefully and hold on to it, as you may want to refer to it throughout the year.  At the end of the packet you’ll find a sign-off sheet.  After reading through the packet, please sign-off on the information and have your child return it to me.


I’m looking forward to a fun and exciting year of Spanish!







Janet Cappadona










Beginning of the School Year

Outline of Classroom Procedures


I.              Supplies

Students are responsible for the following materials for Spanish class:

1.    1-inch binder

2.   Workbook (to be distributed in class)

3.   Black Folder

4.   Spanish/English Dictionary (can be kept at home)

5.   Looseleaf paper

6.   Pens (blue or black, AND red)

7.   Highlighters

8.   Portable 3-hole punch

9.   3 x 5 Index cards

Failure to come prepared to class will result in the deduction of participation points for the day.


II.           Entering the Classroom

-       You must line up quietly in the designated spots discussed.

-       You must enter the room quietly and sit in assigned seat.

-       You have 5 minutes (timed) at the beginning of every class to do the following:

a.       Take out notebook, pen & workbook (if we are using them)

b.    Record the Daily Agenda: Date, Aim, Do Now

c.    Take out homework


III.         Working

-       You must take notes at all times in your Spanish notebook.

-       You must follow the format below for daily notes:


  LA FECHA:  Date (in Spanish) jueves el ocho de septiembre


  LA META:  Aim (usually in Spanish)


  HAZLO AHORA:  Do now (copy and complete)






-       The cover of your notebook should display the following information:

a.       Your name

b.    Your homeroom #

c.    “Spanish _____”

d.    “Ms. Cappadona”


-       I may conduct unannounced notebook checks throughout the year.

IV.         Grading Policy


Homework and Extended Assignments (7.5% of Trimester Grade)

      A.   Homework

-       Students only receive credit for homework if it is complete, on time, and done individually unless told otherwise

-       Each student is allowed ONE missed homework without penalty.  Each homework missed thereafter will result in the deduction of points from the homework grade.

-       If you have a question about a homework assignment and were not able to get help from a peer, please contact me at

-       Late assignments are not accepted with the following exceptions:

a.    Absence

o   If you are absent on the day homework was assigned it is your responsibility to obtain the assignment.  Please contact a friend from class to find out what you missed.  Do not approach me at the beginning of the period to find out what you missed.

o   Once you return and obtain the work you missed you must submit it to me by the next time you see me.

o   If you missed a new lesson I recommend you attend the next available extra help session and obtain missed notes from a reliable classmate

b.    Extenuating Circumstances

o   Please have a parent email me or bring in a note explaining the situation to arrange make-up work

B.  Extended Assignments

      Extended assignments are generally given at the end of each unit.  These assignments can be either individual or group projects designed for students to creatively demonstrate acquired knowledge.  Each project is discussed in detail so that students know exactly what is expected of them.



Tests & Quizzes (85% of Trimester Grade)

a.   Quizzes

o   Typically 1-2 pages of multiple-choice, matching or short-answer questions

o   Quizzes assess knowledge of chapter information.

b.  Tests

o   Typically 3-4 pages of multiple-choice, matching or short-answer questions

o   Tests assess knowledge of unit information.

o   I provide my students with at least a week to study for tests.

             * All tests and quizzes must be signed by a parent/guardian and stored in the Spanish folder.



     Participation (7.5% of Trimester Grade)

            Students are expected to participate in class each day.  This involves being             prepared for class, taking notes, contributing to whole class and small group             discussions, and respectfully listening to peer ideas.


V. Extra Credit

-       Students wishing to earn extra credit should discuss this with me during an extra help session.  The assignments are creative projects that pertain to the material we are covering that month.


VI. Behaving

a.    Passes

o   You must ask me to leave the classroom for the use of the bathroom or to go to the nurse.

o   You must sign-out according to whatever system your grade follows and take the appropriate pass with you.

o   ESMS policy is that you are not permitted to leave the room in the first or last ten minutes of the period so please do not ask to.

o   You are only allowed to use the bathroom pass twice a week in my class.

b.    Extra Help

o   I offer extra help on ____________________during lunch.

o   If you need extra help, you must sign-up on the “Extra Help Sign-up Sheet” and take a “Pass to see Ms. Cappadona.”

o   Please come to extra help prepared with all necessary Spanish supplies, including a pen.

c.    Lateness

o   Being late is rude, irresponsible and disrupts the flow of the class.

o   If you are late coming from another class because you were working with a teacher or were with an administrator, you must bring me a signed pass saying so. If you arrive late to class without a pass, your lunch pass will be taken for a day.


VII.      Leaving the Classroom

-       You will be dismissed by table based on good behavior and the completion of the following tasks:

a.    Push in your chair

b.    Remove any trash from your area


VIII.   Contacting Ms. Cappadona


I can be contacted via email:

I will respond to your e-mail within 2 days.


      IX.      Important Websites




Textbook Website: and we follow the Realidades Level 1     series:


Other helpful sites:





6th Grade Spanish Units


Para Empezar: En la escuela 


Key Questions of Unit: 

  1. How can we use Spanish to greet others and introduce ourselves?
  2. How can we use Spanish numbers to tell time?
  3. How can we understand basic Spanish commands?
  4. How can we use Spanish to identify parts of the body?



Para Empezar:  En la clase 


Key Questions of Unit:

  1. How can we use Spanish to identify items in the classroom?
  2. What are the letters in the Spanish alphabet and how do we pronounce the letters?
  3. How can we use Spanish to talk about things related to the calendar?



Para Empezar:  El tiempo


Key Questions of Unit: 

  1. How can we use Spanish to describe weather conditions?
  2. How can we use Spanish to identify the seasons?
  3. What is the difference in weather between the northern and southern hemispheres?
  4. How can we use Spanish to understand a weather forecast?


Chapter 1A:  ¿Qué te gusta hacer?


Key Questions of the Unit:

  1. How is the structure of Spanish questions and answers different from English?
  2. How can we use Spanish to talk about activities we like and don’t like to do?
  3. How can we use Spanish to ask others what they like to do?
  4. What are the cultural perspectives on favorite activities?
  5. How can we use Spanish to agree or disagree with others?



Chapter 1B:  Y tu, ¿como eres?


Key Questions of Unit:

  1. How can we use Spanish to identify and talk about personality traits?
  2. How can we use Spanish to ask and tell what people are like?
  3. How can we use Spanish adjectives to describe people?
  4. What are definite and indefinite articles and what is their purpose in Spanish?
  5. What is the proper word order in a Spanish sentence?
  6. What does it mean when we say “adjectives have gender and number”?


Chapters 2A & B:  Tu dia en la escuela


Key Questions of Unit:

  1. How can we use Spanish to talk about our school day?
  2. How is our school day different than a school in a Spanish-speaking country?
  3. What does it mean to conjugate a verb in Spanish and how do we do that?
  4. What are subject pronouns?
  5. What is the verb “estar” and how do we use it to talk about the location of items?


7th Grade Spanish Units

Chapter 3A:  ¿Desayuno o almuerzo?


·       Talk about foods and beverages for breakfast and lunch

·       Talk about likes and dislikes

·       Express how often something is done

·       Understand cultural perspectives on meals

Chapter 3B:  Para mantener la salud


·       Talk about foods and beverages for dinner

·       Describe what people or things are like

·       Discuss food, health, and exercise choices

·       Understand cultural perspectives on diet and health

Chapter 4A:  ¿Adonde vas?


·       Talk about locations in your community

·       Discuss leisure activities

·       Talk about where you go and with whom

·       Learn how to ask questions

·       Understand cultural perspectives on leisure activities

Chapter 4B:  ¿Quieres ir conmigo?


·       Talk about activities outside of school

·       Extend, accept, and decline invitations

·       Tell when an event happens

·       Understand cultural perspectives on after-school activities

Chapter 5A:  Una fiesta de cumpleaños


·       Describe families

·       Talk about celebrations

·       Ask and tell ages

·       Express possession

·       Understand cultural perspectives on family and celebrations

Chapter 5B:  Vamos a un restaurante


·       Talk about family celebrations

·       Describe family member and friends

·       Ask politely to have something brought to you

·       Order a meal in a restaurant

·       Understand cultural perspectives on family celebrations

Chapter 6A:  En mi dormitorio


·       Talk about your bedroom

·       Describe bedroom items and electronic equipment

·       Make comparisons

·       Understand cultural perspectives on homes

Chapter 6B:  ¿Como es tu casa?


·       Identify rooms in a house

·       Name household chores

·       Tell where you live

·       Understand cultural perspectives on different types of housing


Nombre:_______________________________            La fecha:___________

Espanol                                                                                    Clase:





c      1.   Go to:




c      2.  Read “About my class…” with your parent(s)/guardian(s).


c      3.  Please sign below to confirm you have thoroughly read through the   

                Spanish information packet. This page will be collected in class and will  

                serve as confirmation that you are aware of class policies and    





Student Name: ____________________________Homeroom:________


Student Signature: ______________________________________




Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________


Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________




Please read through the Spanish information packet and sign and return only this sheet to me by the date below:



            Due date:  ____________________